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^c ma ^20
Reprinted from the
Bulletin of The New York Public Library
December, 1913 — April, 1914
I • •
• • • •••.'
• • '•'
f>n in 30 Ix 1-20-13 J el
' ^ PAGE
1 O
Bibliography ------------ i-^
Periodicals and Society Publications -------2-5
General Works ------------ j- ->^
Collections ------------ 1"->j1
Dealers' Catalogues - - - - - - - - " -31-39
Individual Countries ----------- 39-145
Index --------'------ 149-195
Bibliography. Periodicals. General Works. Collections.
General Works — Continued. Dealers' Catalogues.
Individual Countries.
American Numismatic and Archaeologi- cal Society. Catalogue of the numismatic books in the library of the. . .society. With a subject index to the important articles in the American journal of numismatics, and other periodicals, to the end of 1882. New York: [T. R. Marvin & Son, prtrs., Boston,] 1883. 2 p.l., 31 p. 4°.
Attinelli, E. J. Numisgraphics, or a list of catalogues, in which occur coins or medals, which have been sold by auction in the United States, also, a list of cata- logues or price lists of coins, issued by dealers, also, a list of various publications of more or less interest to numismatolo- gists, which have been published in the United States. New York, 1876. 123 p. 4°. MHB
Belgium. — Administration des Mon- naies. Catalogue de la bibliotheque. [31 decembre 1901., n.p. [1901 ?) 76 p. 4°. TF
Bernhart, Max. Literatur. (In his: Medaillen und Plaketten... Berlin, 1911. 8°. p. 77-115.) MGP
Blanchetj Jules Adrien. La numis- matique de 1889 a 1897. (Congres bib- liographique international, Paris, 1898. Compte rendu des travaux. Paris, 1900. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-26.) * GAA
Bogert, Henry. Catalogue of the ex- tensive and valuable cabinet of coins and medals. . .together with a large collection of rare and valuable numismatic works, which will be sold at public sale by Messrs. Bangs, Merwin & Co... on Monday, Feb. 28, 1859... New York: Bogert, Bourne & Auten, 1859. 1 p.l., 93 p. 8°.
MHFH p.box
Brazil. — Bibliotheca Nacional. Cata- logo da exposicao permanente dos cime- lios da Bibliotheca Nacional, publicado sob a direcgao do bibliothecario J. de
Saldanha da Gama. Rio de Janeiro: typ. de G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1885. 1059 p., 6 1., 5 photo-liths. 8°. * GY
Doubleday, John. Catalogue of the mis- cellaneous library of the late Mr. John Doubleday, also his valuable collection of numismatic books... Which will be sold... April 30th, 1856. London: J. Davy and Sons, prtrs., 1856. 20 p. 8°.
GOF p.v. 40, no. 7
Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure. Repertoire des sources imprimees de la numismatique franqaise. Paris: E. Leroux, 1887-89. 3 v. 8°. MHT
Guenter, Heinrich. Litteratur. (In his: Das Muenzwesen in der Grafschaft Wuerttemberg... Stuttgart, 1897. 8^ p. 1-4.) TF
Hiersemann, Karl W. Katalog 176. Numismatik — Sphragistik (mit Aus- schluss der altklassischen Miinzkunde). Leipzig, 1897. 28 p. 8°. MHBp.boxl
Katalog 269. Numismatik des
klassischen Altertums, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit sowie des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander. Leipzig, 1902. 40 p. 8°. MHBp.boxl
Katalog 296. Numismatik des
klassischen Altertums, des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Leipzig, 1903. 39 p. 8°.
Katalog 312. Numismatik des
klassischen Altertums, des Orients und der iiberseeischen Lander, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Mit Einschluss einiger allgemeiner Werke aus den Hilfswissen- schaften Genealogie, Heraldik, Sphragi- stik. Leipzig, 1905. (1)1124-1204 p. 8°.
Katalog 329. Numismatik.
zig, 1906. 65 p. 8°.
Leip- MHB
< r
• m
?, J ;.;.•: .-. .T»E NEW YORK
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Bibliography, continued.
Katalog 347. Numismatik enthal-
tend u.a. die Bibliothek des Professors Dr. Hans Riggauer Direktor des Kgl. Miinz- Kabinetts Miinchen. Leipzig, 1907. 64 p. 8°. MHB
Numismatik des Mittelalters und
der Neuzeit mit Einschluss des Orients... Katalog 247. Leipzig, 1900. 42 p. 8°.
MHB p.box 1
^ Hirsch, Johann Christoph. Bibliotlieca nvmismatica exhibens catalogvm avctor- vm qvi de re monetaria et nvmis tarn antiqvis qvam recentioribvs scripsere, collecta et indice rervm instrvcta a Joh. Christ. Hirsch. Norimbergae: Impens. Hered. Felseckeri, 1760. 4 p.l., 232 p., 1 1. P. t HMB
Labbe, Philippe. Bibliotheca nummaria. I. De Antiqvis Numismatibus, Hebrseis, Grsecis, & Romanis. II. De Monetis, Ponderibus & Mensuris. (In his: Bib- liotheca bibliothecarum curis tertiis auc- tior. Lipsije, 1682. 12°. p. 403-567.) * GB
(In: Antonio Teissier, Cata-
logus avctorvm. Genev^e, 1686. 4°. v. 1, p. 433-504.) *G
Lawrence, Richard H. Numismatic li- brary... to be sold. . .December 28, 1886 ... [New York: G. A. Leavitt & Co.. 1886.] 11 p. 8°. *GO
Low, Lyman H. Catalogue of books relating to coins and medals, now in stock, and offered for sale... by Lyman H. Low. Sixth sale. [New York, 1885.i 12 p. 8°.
MHB p. box 1
Tenth sale. [New York, 1885.]
16 p. 8°. MHB p. box 1
Maurin. Catalogue des livres et manu- scrits de numismatique et d'archeolo- gie provenant de la bibliotheque de M. le L.-Colonel Maurin. Vente. . . 1844. . . Paris: I'Alliance des arts, 1844. 48 p. 12°.
MHFH p.v. 3
MazeroUe, Fernand. E. Babelon. Bi- ographic et bibliographic numismatique. 1 port. (Gazette numismatique frangaise. Paris, 1897. 4°. v. 1, p. 401-411.) MHA
Menadier, J. Hermann Dannenberg. [Die numismatischen Schriften Dannen- bergs.] (Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1905. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 191-206.) MHA
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the fine arts, viz.: architecture, sculpture, carving, coins, pottery, metal work, drawing, decoration, painting, engraving, photographjr, music. Compiled by T. A. Onions, sub-librarian; edited by the public librarian, 1900. New- castle-upon-Tyne: A. Dickson, prtr. [1900.] 5 p.l., 146 p. 8°. MAC (Newcastle)
Poillon, William. Catalogue of the nu- mismatic library of William Poillon. [Auction sale by Bangs & Co., Dec. 15, 1883.] Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1883. 100-121 p. 8°. MHB p. box 1
Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd. Catalogue of rare. . .Canadian coins, medals, & tokens, also many valuable books relat- ing to coins... New York, 1890. 16 p.
MHFH p. box
Serrure, Raymond. See Engel, Arthur, and Raymond Serrure.
Smith, Mathew. A catalogue of the... library... of Col. M. Smith... deceased... a valuable assemblage of numismatick works... sold by auction... April... 1812 ...[London: Christie, 1812.] 16 p. 8°.
*GOFp.v.l9, no.l3
South Kensington Museum — National .\rt Library. A list of books and pamph- lets in the. . .library. . .illustrating seals. . . London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, prtrs., 1886. vi, 7-46 p., 1 1. 8°. (Great Britain.— Science and Art Department.)
MIT p. box 1
Storer, Malcolm. Numismatic periodi- cals. (American journal of numismatics. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 46, p. 177-181.)
Till, William. Catalogue of the numis- matic library of the late Mr. William Till. Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. . .on. . .the 15th ot May, 1846. [London:] J. Davy & Sons, prtr. [1846.] 12 p. 8°. * GOF p.v. 45
American journal of numismatics and bulletin of American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. [Quarterly.] v. 1-date (1866-date). New York and Bos- ton, 1867-date. 4°. MHA
American Numismatic and Archaeolo- gical Society. Articles of incorporation and by-laws of the. . .society. New York, 1896. 15 p. 8°. MHA p. box
Constitution and by-laws. New
York: [The De Vinne Press,] 1910. 23(1) p. 8°. MHA
Proceedings at the annual meeting.
no. 20-54 (1878-1912). New York. 1878- 1912. 4°. MHA
Report of the committee on the
publication of medals, December 17, 1907. New York: Bradstreet Press, 1907. 6 p. 4°. tt MHE p.v. 4,no.6
Weeks, William Raymond. The Ameri-
Periodicals, etc., continued. can Numismatic Society. New York: [De Vinne Press,] 1910. 20 p., 1 pi. 8°.
MHEp.v. 6,no.l4
American Numismatic Association. An- nual convention. [Official report.] 1895, 1904, 1907, 1909-13. (In: The Numismatist. Monroe, Mich., 1895-1913. 8°.) MHA
1895 in V. 8, no. 10, Oct., 1895.
1904 in V. 17, no. 11, Nov., 1904.
1907 in V. 20, no. 10-11, Oct. -Nov., 1907.
1909 in V. 22, no. 9-10, Sept. -Oct., 1909.
1910 in V. 23, no. 7, Sept., 1910.
1911 in V. 24, no. 9, Sept., 1911.
1912 in V. 25, no. 9, Sept., 1912.
1913 in V. 26, no. 10. Oct., 1913.
Annalen der gesammten Numismatik. Hrsg. von F. Schlichtegroll. Bd. 1. Leip- zig, 1804. sq. 8°. MHA
Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen. Hrsg. von deren Redac- tions-Comite. Jahrg. 1-18, Jahrg. 19, Heft 2, Jahrg. 20-30 (1882-1912). Munchen, 1882- 1912. 8°. MHA
Blatter fiir Miinzfreunde. Numisma- tische Zeitung. Correspondenzblatt des Deutschen Miinzforscher Vereins... Bd. 1-8, 11-date (1865-96, 1906-date). Leipzig and Dresden, [1868,-date. 4°. f MHA
Also called Jahrg. 1-32, 41-date. Bd. 1-2 sub- title reads: Beilage zuni Numismatischen Verkehr.
1865-73 edited by E. G. Gersdorf; 1874-81, by H. Grote; 1882-May, 1890, by J. and A. Erbstein; June, 1890-1896, by J. Erbstein; 1906-date, by H. Buchenau.
Blatter fiir Miinzkunde. Hannoversche numismatische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von H. Grote. Bd. 1-4. Leipzig, 1835-44. f MHA
Boston Numismatic Society. Constitu- tion and bv-laws of the. .. society. Bos- ton: T. R. Marvin & Son, prtrs.. 1867. 10 p., 1 1. sq. 8°. MHA p. box
Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son,
prtrs., 1871. 13(1) p., 1 1. sq. 8°.
MHA p. box
■ • Constitution, by-lav^^s, charter, and
list of members... Boston: T. R. Mar- vin & Son, prtrs., 1884. 15 p. sq. 8°.
MHA p. box
British numismatic journal and proceed- ings of the British Numismatic Society, series 1, v. 1-8. [London,] 1905-12. 4°.
British Numismatic Society. Rules of the ... society. London: [Harrison & Sons,] 1903. 24 p. 8°. MHA p. box
London: [Harrison & Sons,]
1904. 24 p. 8°. MHA p. box
Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal. See Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal.
Circle of Friends of the Medallion in Manhattan. Medal issued by the circle, no. 1-8. New York, 1909-13. 8°. MHA
Coin collector's journal, v. 1, no. 11 (Oct., 1876); v. 6-13(1881-88). New York, 1876-88. 8°. MHA
Coin collectors' of the United States ilhistrated guide. Quarterly, v. 2, no. 2 (Oct., 1885). Philadelphia, 1885. 8°.
MHA p. box
Coin & stamp journal, v. 1(1877). New York, 1877. 8°. MHEp.v. 2
Congres international de numismatique. See International Congress of Numisma- tics.
Congres international pour la reproduc- tion des manuscrits, des monnaies et des sceaux, Liege, 1905. Actes du congres. Bruxelles: Misch & Thron, 1905. xxviii, 338 p., 1 pi. 4°. * L
Congres international pour la reproduc- tion des manuscrits, des monnaies et de sceaux. (Revue d. bibliotheques et archives de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 167-170.) *HA
Curiosity, The, cabinet, v. 3, no. 1 (July, 1879). New York, 1879. 8°. MHEp.v. 2
Curiosity, The, collector, v. 1. no. 1-2 (April, July, 1878). Detroit, 1878. 8°.
MHEp.v. 2
Curiosity hunter, v. 1, no. 7-10(March- May, Oct., 1873); v. 2, no. l-7(Jan.-July, 1874); V. 4, no. 1-2, 5(Oct.-Nov., 1876, Feb., 1877); v. 5, no. l-3(Oct.-Dec.. 1877). Belvidere and Rockford, 111., 1873-77. 8°.
MHE p.v. 2
Erdelyi Nemzeti Mtizeum. Dolgozatok az Erdelyi Nemzeti Muzeum erem-es regisegtarabol. v. 1, no. 1 (1910), v. 2-date (1911-date). Kologsvar, 1910-date. 8°.
Title also in French: Travaux de la section numismatique et archeologique du Musee nacional de Transyivanie a Kolozsvar.
Gazette numismatique frangaise dirigee par Fernand Mazerolle et editee par Ray- mond Serrure. annee 1-5, 7-date. Paris. 1897-date. 4°. MHA
International Congress of Numisma- tics, Brussels, 1891. Congres international de numismatique organise et reuni a Bruxelles. . .par la Societe royale de nu- mismatique de Belgique a I'occasion du cinquantieme anniversaire de sa creation. Proces-verbeaux et memoires publics par MM. G. Cumont et A. de Witte. Brux- elles; J. Goemaere, 1891. 687 p., 1 map, 27 pi., 1 table. 8°. MHA
International Congress of Numismatics, Paris, 1900. Congres international de numismatique reuni a Paris, en 1900. Pro- ces-verbaux & memoires publics par MM. le Comte de Castellane et Adrien Blanchet. Paris: au siege de la Societe frangaise de numismatique, 1900. 2 p.l., 449 p., 5 fac, 29 pi. 4°. MHA
Periodicals, etc., continued.
Journal international d'archeologie nu- mismatique. Dirige et public par J. N. Svoronos. v. 1-date (1898-date). Athenes [1898]-date. 4°. MHA
Junta de Historia y Numismatica Ameri- cana. Biblioteca de la junta... v. 2-4. Buenos Aires, 1905-08. 8°. * ET
Koehlers, Johann David, Wochentlich herausgegebener historischer Mijnz-Belu- stigung. Teil 1-22. Register, Bd. 1-2. Niirnberg, 1733-88. 8°. MHA
V. 1-4 printed in 1788.
Liverpool Numismatic Society. Jour- nal, no. l(Jan., 1873). Liverpool, 1873. 8°. MHA
Edited by J. Harris Gibson.
Manchester Numismatic Society. Pro- ceedings, v. 1 (1864-71). Manchester, 1871. sq. 8°. MHA
Mason's Monthly coin collectors' maga- zine. V. 6, no. 1-3, 5-6(Jan.-March/April, July-Oct., 1872). Philadelphia, 1872. 8°.
V. 6, no. 5-6 called: Mason's Quarterly coin col- lectors' magazine.
Melanges de numismatique; publics par F. de Saulcy, A. de Barthelemy et E. Hucher. v. 1-3 (1875-82). Le Mans and Paris, 1875-82. 8°. MHA
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Canadian antiquarian and nu- mismatic journal, v. 1-12, no. 3 (July, 1872-July, 1885) ; v. 13, no. 1-2 ( Jan.-April, 1886); series 2, v. 1, no. 1, 4 (July, 1889, April, 1890); series 2, v. 2-3 (Jan., 1892- May, 1894); series 3, v. 1, no. 1, 3-4 (Jan., 1897), July-Oct., 1898); series 3, v. 27- (Jan., 1899-Oct., 1910). Montreal, 1872- 1910. 8°. HWA
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the. . .society. Philadelphia: [Henry B. Ashmead, prtr.,i 1865. 16 p. 8°. MHEp.v. 3, no.2
Constitution and by-laws of the
...society... Philadelphia: [Henry B. Ashmead, prtr.,] 1870. 15 p. 8°.
MHEp.v. 3, no.l3
Constitution and by-laws. . .with
list of members. Philadelphia: [Collins, prtr.,] 1883. 15 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.30
Necrology. 1882-83. Philadelphia,
1883-84. 8°. MHA p. box
Proceedings. 1865/6, 1878/9-1910/-
12. Philadelphia, 1867-1913. 8°. HMA
1878/9 called: Report of operations; 1880- 1887/9 called: Report of the proceedings.
Proceedings. . .in celebration of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of its founda- tion, January 1, 1858, held. . .January 4, 1883. Philadelphia: printed for the socie- ty, 1883. 26 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.32
Proceedings... March 20th, 1879,
on the occasion of the presentation of a silver medal to the Hon. Eli K. Price, president, in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the foundation of the society. Philadelphia: [Collins, prtr.,, 1879. 16 p. 8°. MHE p.v. 3, no.l4
See also Numismatic Society of
Numismatic chronicle. See Numisma- tic Society.
Numismatic, The, journal. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. v. 1-2 (1836-38). Lon- don, 1837. 8°. MHA
Includes Transactions of the Numismatic Society.
Numismatic Society. Numismatic chro- nicle and journal of the Numismatic So- ciety. V. 1-20 (1838-58); new series, v. 1-20 (1861-80); series 3, v. 1-date (1881- date). London, 1839-date. 8°. MHA
V. 1-4 title reads: Numismatic chronicle. Index to V. 1-20 in V. 20; and to each preceding 10 vols, in new series, v. 10, v. 20; series 3, v. 10, v. 20.
Proceedings. 1836-39, 1842-95.
London, 1837-95. 8°.
1842-95 bound with: Numismatic chronicle.
Numismatic Society of Philadelphia. Constitution and by-laws of the Numis- matic Society of Philadelphia... Phila- delphia: Merrihew & Thompson, prtrs., 1858. 11 p. 12°. MHE p.v.3, no.l
See also Numismatic and An-
tiquarian Society of Philadelphia.
Numismatische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Mittheilungen. no. 1-3. Berlin, 1846-57. 8°. MHA
Sitzungsberichte. 1879-88, 1894-
1909. (In: Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik. Berlin, 1881-1910. 8°. v. 8-16, 19-date.)
1879-88 title reads: Verhandlungen der Numis- matischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin.
See also Zeitschrift fiir Numis-
Numismatische Gesellschaft in Wien. Monatsblatt. v. 7-date. Wien, 1906-date. 4°. MHA
Numismatische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von der Numismatischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 1-43 (1869-1910). Wien, 1870-1910. 8° and 4°. MHA
Bd. 1-3 edited by C. W. Huber. Bd. 41-43 also called N. F. Bd. 1-3.
Bd. 12 contains index to Bd. 1-12; Bd. 39-40 comprises index to Bd. 1-38. Tables to Bd. 26 bound separately.
Numismatische Zeitung. . . Hrsg. von J, Leitzmann. Jahrg. 1-40, no. 17 (1834-73). Weissensee, 1834-73. 4°. MHA
Numismatischer Verkehr. Ein Ver- zeichniss verkauflicher imd zum Ankauf gesuchter Miinzen, Medaillen, Biicher, etc.
Periodicals, etc., continued. Hrsg. von C. G. Thieme. Jahrg. [lj-35 (April, 1863-1897). Leipzig, 1863-97. 4°.
Numismatist. An illustrated monthly devoted to the science of numismatics. V. 7-date (1894-date). v.p., 1894-date. 8°.
V. 7, no. 10 (Oct., 1894). lacking.
Revue beige de numismatique. v. 1-6 (1842-50); serie 2, v. 1-6(1851-56); serie 3, v. 1-6(1857-62); serie 4, v. 1-6(1863-68); serie 5, v. 1-6(1869-74); annee 31-date (187S-date). Tirlemont and Bruxelles, [1842j-date. 8°. MHA
serie 1-5 title reads: Revue de la numismatique beige.
Table alphabetique des douze
volumes composant les deux premieres series (1842-56). Par Alexandre Pinchart. Bruxelles: Librairie beige de Decq, 1858. 2 p.l., Ill p. 8°. MHA
Table alphabetique des douze
volumes composant les troisieme et qua- trieme series (1857-68). Par Alexandre Pinchart. Bruxelles: Librairie polytech- nique beige de Decq, 1872. 2 p.l., 128 p. 8°. MHA
Revue numismatique. v. [1]-21 (1836-56) ; serie 2, v. 1-15(1856-77); serie 3, v. 1-14 (1883-95); serie 4, v. l-date(1897-date). Blois and Paris, 1836-date. 8°. MHA
1836-37 title reads: Revue de la numismatique frangoise. v. 21, 1856, is Table generale. . .20 volumes de la premiere serie. Serie 4, v. 1-date includes Proces-verbaux des seances de la Societe frangaise de numismatique.
Table de la Revue numismatique
(de 1836 a 1905) publiee sous les auspices de la Societe franqaise de numismatique par A. Dieudonne. Paris: chez C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1908. xi(i), 260 p. 8°. MHA
Revue de la numismatique beige. See Revue beige de numismatique.
Revue Suisse de numismatique; publiee par le comite de la Societe suisse de nu- mismatique. v. 13-date. Geneve, 1905- date. 8°. Per. Dept.
Rhode Island Numismatic Association. Constitution and by-laws... Revised edi- tion. Providence: Millard & Harker, prtrs., 1868. 10 p. 16°. MHA p. box
Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini pubblicata per cura della Societa immismatica italiana. v. 10-date(1897- date). Milano, 1897-date. 4°. MHA
Indice sistematico analitico della
Rivista italiana di numismatica dalla sua fondazione alia fine del sec. xix. (i. 1888- XIII. 1900). Milano, 1903. 2 p.l., (i)viii- xiv p., 1 1., 48 p. 4°. MHA
Bound with v. 13 of the Rivista.
Rivista della numismatica antica e moderne. v. 1-2. Asti, 1864-66. f°.
Societe frangaise de numismatique et d'archeologie. Annuaire. annee 1-20 (1866-96). Paris, 1866-96. 8°. MHA
annee 13-20 title reads: Societe frangaise de numismatique. None published after 1896.
Comptes rendus. v. 1-6, partie
1(1869-75). Paris, 1869-[75i. 4°. MHA
V. 6, partie 2 never published.
Societe de sphragistique de Paris. [Me- moires.] tome 1-4. Paris, 1851-55. 8°.
Spink & Son's Monthly numismatic circular, v. 13(1905); v. 17, no. 193(Dec., 1908). London, 1905-08. f°. ft MHA
Wiener numismatische Monatshefte. Redigirt und hrsg. von G. A. Egger. Bd. 1-4. Wien, 1865-68. 8°. MHA
Zeitschrift fiir Miinz-, Siegel- und Wap- pen-Kunde. N. F. [Bd. Ij (1859-62). Ber- lin, 1859-62. 4°. MHA
Zeitschrift fiir Numismatik; hrsg. von A. von Sallet. Bd. 1-date (1874-date). Register zu Bd. 11-20. Berlin, 1874-date. 8°. MHA
Bd. 8-16, 19-date contain: Sitzungsberichte der Numismatischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1879-88, 1894-date.
Addison, Joseph. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals. Epecially in relation to the Latin and Greek poets. [Also, Three setts of medals illustrated by the ancient poets, in the foregoing dia- logues; The present state of the war; and. Of the Christian religion.] n. p., 1726. 328 p. 16°. MHL
Agnethler, Michael Gottlieb. Nvmophy- lacivin Schvlzianvm digessit, descripsit et perpetvis in signiorvm rei nvmariae scrip- torvm commentariis illvstratvm edidit M.
G. Agnethler. pars 1. Accedvnt Selec- tiores clarorvm virorvm ad B. Schvlzivm epistolae. Lipsiae et Halae, 1746. 4°.
No more published.
Agustin, Antonio. Dialoghi. . .intorno alle medaglie, inscrittioni et altre anti- chita; tradotti di lingua spagnuola in Itali- ana da D. O. Sada, & dal medesimo accres-- ciuti ,con diverse annotation!, & illustrati ... Roma [1592]. 5 p.l., 300 p.. 16 1.. 6 f. f°. Stuart 1597
General Works, continued.
Akerman, John Yonge. Ancient coins of cities and princes, geographically ar- ranged and described. Hispania, Gallia, Britannia. London, 1846. pi. 8°. MHL
An introduction to the study of
ancient and modern coins. London: J. R. Smith, 1848. vii p., 1 1., 220 p. 12°.
Stuart 11376
A numismatic manual. London:
Taylor & Walton, 1840. xiv p., 1 1., 420 p.. 17 pi. 8°. MHC
Ambrosoli, Solone. Delia numismatica como scienza autonoma. Prolusione al corso di numismatica. Letta il 25 gennaio 1893...netta R. Accademia scientifico- letteraria in Milano. Milano: L. F. Cog- liati, 1893. 20 p. 4°. MHE p.v. 7,no.lO
Repr. : Rivista italiana di numismatica. anno 6, fasc. 1, 1893.
— — ■ Manuale di numismatica... Mi- lano: U. Hoepli, 1904. xvi. 250 p., 1 1., 2 pi., 2 tables, illus. 3. ed. 24°. (Manuali Hoepli. [no.] 100.) MHC
Andorfer, Karl, and Richard Epstein. Musica in nummis. Beschreibendes Ver- zeichnis von Medailleurarbeiten auf Musi- ker...ferner Sanger und Sangerinnen vom XV. Jahrhundert bis auf die heutige Zeit. Hrsg. von Karl Andorfer und Richard Epstein. Mit neun Lichtdruck- tafeln. Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1907. 1 p.l., 197 p., 1 1., 9 pi. 4°. * ME
Andres de Gusseme, Tomas. Diccio- nario numismatico general, para la perfecto inteligencia de las medallas antiguas, sus signos, notas, e inscripciones, y general- mente de todo lo que se contiene en ellas. Madrid: Por D. Joachin Ibarra, 1773-77. 6 V. 4°. MHD
Anson, W. S. W. Mottoes and badges of families, regiments, schools, colleges, states, towns, livery companies, societies, etc., British and foreign; with translations into English of the foreign examples, and occasional notes attempting to trace such mottoes as are quotations to their sources. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd. [1904.] 192 p. 32°. (Routledge's miniature refer- ence library.) Pub.Cat. — AWG
Appel, Joseph. Miinzen und Medaillen der Republiken, Stadte. Ortschaften, Gym- nasien etc. aus dem Mittelalter und der neuern Zeit. Gesammelt und beschrieben von Joseph Appel. Wien: auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1828-29. _ 2 v. illus. 8°. (Ap- pel's Des Repertoriums zur Miinzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit. Bd. 4.) MHC
Miinzen und Medaillen der welt- lichen Fiirsten und Herren aus dem Mit- telalter und der neuern Zeit. Gesammelt und beschrieben von Joseph Appel. Wien: auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1824. 2 v. 8°.
(Appel's Repertorium zur Miinzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit. Bd. 3.)
Arneth, Joseph Calasanza von, Ritter. Bericht iiber die von dem Herrn Rossi aus Cagliari eingesandten Miinzen. 5 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 366-367.) * EF
Bericht iiber von Prokesch-Osten's
numismatische Abhandlung "Zwolf Ine- dita." (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1849. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 214-221.) *EF
Assmann, Ernst. Moneta. (Klio. Leip- zig, 1906. f°. v. 6, p. 477-488.) ft BAE
Babelon, Ernest Charles Francois. Les collections de monnaies anciennes; leur utilite scientifique. Paris: E. Leroux, 1897. 3 p.l., vi, 126 p. 16°. (Petite bibli- otheque d'art et d'archeologie. v. 22.)
De I'utilite scientifique des collec- tions de monnaies anciennes. (La Science sociale. Paris, 1897. 8°. v. 23, p. 366-382.)
Melanges numismatiques. serie
2-3. Paris: C. Rollin et Feuardent, 1893- 1900. 8°. MHE
Les origines et I'histoire de I'en-
seignement de la numismatique. (Revue politique et litteraire. Paris, 1908. 4°. serie 5, v. 10, sem. 2, p. 769-774, 810-814.)
Babut. A propos d'un sceau du xix. siecle de I'ordre du temple. Les templiers de 1813 a 1871. 3 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1909. 8°. an- nee 65, p. 43-73, 187-196, 291-312.) MHA
Baker, W. S. Medallic portraits of Washington, with historical and critical notes and. . .catalogue. . . Philadelphia: R. M. Lindsay, 1885. 2 p.l., vii, 9-252 p., 1 pi. 4°. AOT
Barthelemy, Anatole Jean Baptiste An- toine de. Manuel de numismatique an- cienne, avec atlas. Paris, 1851. 12°. (Manuels Roret.) MHL
Nouveau manuel de numismatique
ancienne. Ouvrage accompagne d'un atlas. Paris: Roret, 1890. 2 v. 16° & ob. 16°. (Manuels Roret.) MHL
Nouveau manuel complet de nu- mismatique du moyen age et moderne. Ouvrage orne d'un atlas renfermant douze planches. Paris: a la Librairie encyclo- pedique de Roret, n.d . 1 v. and atlas. 24°. (Manuels-Roret.) MHC
Bartholomew, John George. A literary and historical atlas of America. London;
General Works, continued.
J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. [1911.i xiv, 231 p.
maps. 12°. (Everyman's library.)
Map Dept.
Contains: A brief survey of the coinage of North and South America, by G. C. Brooke. Maps and plans of notable battles and districts connected with famous authors and their books. A gazetteer of towns and places in North and South having a literary and historic interest.
' Basmadjian, K. J. A propos des deux sceaux heteens. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1898. 8°. V. 20, p. 230-234.) * YIA
Beauvais, Guillaume. Histoire abregee des empereurs romains et grecs, des im- peratrices, des Cesars, des tyrans, et des personnes des families imperiales pour lesquelles on a frappe des inedailles, de- puis Pompee jusqu'a la prise de Constan- tinople par les Turcs, sous Constantin XIV. . .avec. . .la liste des medailles con- nues de chaque regne...et la valeur des tetes rares. Paris, 1767. 3 v. 12°. MHL
Bergmann, Joseph. Darlegung meh- rerer bisheriger Systeine fiir Anordnung von Sammlungen mittelalterlicher und moderner Miinzen und Medaillen und Be- griindung eines wissenschaftlichen Sys- tems, von Kaiser Karl dem Grossen bis auf unsere Tage. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften. Phi- los.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1865. f°. Bd. 14, p. 245-294.) * EF
Nachtrag zur Biographie des kai-
serlichen Rathes, Miinzen- und Antiqui- taten-Inspectors Karl Gustav Herseus (t 1725). (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 63. p. 7-32.) * EF
Bernhart, Max. Markus Welser als Nu- mismatiker. illus. (Oberbayerisches
Archiv fiir vaterlandische Geschichte. Miinchen, 1910. 8°. Bd. 55, p. 139-156.)
Medaillen und Plaketten. Mit 96
Textabbildungen. Berlin: R. C. Schmidt & Co., 1911. viii, 180 p. illus. 8°. (Bib- liothek fiir Kunst- und Antiquitatensamm- ler. Bd. 1.) MOP
Bibliography, p. 77-115.
Bidermann, Johann Gottlieb. . .Beytrage
zur Miinzgeschichte von Hunger-Miinzen
Dresden: gedruckt bey Johann Wil-
helm H arpeters hinterl. Wittwe [1772].
8 p. 12°. MHEp.boxl
Billing, Archibald. The science of gems, jewels, coins, and medals, ancient and modern. [With autobiography of Benedetto Pistrucci.] London: Bell & Daldy, 1867. xi, 221 p., 19 pi. 8°. MGW
^■' Blanchet, Jules Adrien. Nouveau manu- el de numismatique du moyen age et mo- derne. Ouvrage accompagne d'un atlas
de quatorze planches. Paris: Librairie encyclopedique de Roret, 1890. 2 v. in 3 and atlas. 16°. (Manuels-Roret.) MHC
Presents de medailles et anciennes
decorations. 1 pi. (Revue numismatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 80-99.)
Remarques relatives aux signes
graves sur les contorniates. (Revue nu- mismatique. Paris, 1890. 8°. serie 3. v. 8, p. 480-486.) MHA
Bolton, Henry Carrington. Alchemy and numismatics. Boston: author's edi- tion, 1887. 12 p. 4°.
Repr. : American journal of numismatics, v. 21, p. 73.
Contributions of alchemy to numis-
matics. New York: author's edition, 1890. 44 p., 3 pi. sq. 8°.
Bonneville, Alphonse. Encyclopedic monetaire ou nouveau traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent en circulation chez les divers peuples du monde... Paris: chez I'auteur, 1851. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xv, 220 p., 1 fac, 197 pi. f°. ttTF
Bonneville, Pierre Frederic. Traite des monnaies d'or et d'argent qui circulent chez les differens peuples; examinees sous les rapports du poids, du titre et de la va- leur reelle, avec leurs diverses empreintes. A Paris: chez I'auteur, 1806. 2 p.l., x. 1. 250 p., 1 1., 189 pi. f°. tfTF
Borghesi, Bartolommeo. Oeuvres com- pletes de Bartolomeo Borghesi publiees par les ordres et aux frais de S. M. I'Empe- reur Napoleon III. Paris: Imprimerie im- periale, 1862-97. 10 v. in 11. 4°. f BWDC
V. 7-10 published under the auspices of the
Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique. v. 7 is 2. ed.
Tome 1-2. Oeuvres numismatiques. 1862-64.
Tome 3-5. Oeuvres epigraphiques. 1864-69.
Tome 6-8. Lettres. 1868-72.
Tome 9. Nouveaux fragments des fastes con-
sulaires. Les prefets de Rome. Table des lettres. 1884-93.
Tome 10. Les prefets du pretoire. 1897.
Boutkowski, Alexandre. Dictionnaire numismatique pour servir de guide aux amateurs, experts et acheteurs des me- dailles romaines imperiales & grecques coloniales avec indication de leur degre de rarete et de leur prix actuel au xix. siecle, suivi d'un resume des ventes pub- liques de Paris et de Londres. tome 1-2, v. 1. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1881-84. 8°.
Boyne, W. [Collection of engravings of the seals, regal, ecclesiastical and munici- pal, of the various counties, towns, re- ligious establishments, etc., of England.] n. p., 1865. 2 cases. 8°. MIY
Brandt, H. F. Leben und Werke. Bear- beitet und herausgegeben von seiner En- kelin Hildegard Lehnert. Berlin: B. Hass- ling, 1897. 73(1) p., 1 port.. 22 pi. f°.
General Works, continued.
Brenner, Victor D. The art of the medal. New York: [The De Vinne Press,] 1910. 12 p.l., 11 pi., 1 1. illus. 8°. MGQ
Brerewood, Edward. De ponderibvs, et pretiis vetervm Nvmmorvm, eorumque; cum recentioribus coUatione, liber vnvs. Londini: Apud loannem Billium, 1614. 4 p.l., 56 p. 4°. TF
Bresslau, Harry. Ueber Elektensiegel. (Historische Vierteljahrschrift. Leipzig, 1900. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 469-477.) B
Brichaut, Auguste. A propos de jetons contemporains. [Signed Brichaut.] n.p. [1880?] 8, 4 p., 1 pi. 8°. MHVp.boxl
Repr. : Revue beige de numismatique. 1880.
J Calmet, Augustin. Dissertation sur I'an- tiquite de la monnoie frappee au coin. (In: Bible. Latin-French. \767-7i, Sainte Bible en latin et en frangois... Paris, 1767-73. 4°. V. 1, p. 609-628.) * YIT
Calvo, Ignacio. Importancia del estu- dio de las monedas. (Espaiia moderna. Madrid, 1903. 8°. ano 15, no. 171, p. 98- 106.) * DR
Carlile, W. W. The relation of econo- mics to numismatics. (Royal Philosophi- cal Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Glasgow, 1902. 8°. v. 33, p. 81-92.) * EE
Caron, Emil. Trouvailles de monnaies
du moyen age a Delphes. (Bulletin de
correspondance hellenique. Paris, 1897.
8°. V. 21, p. 26-39.) MTLA
Carus, Paul. Signets, badges, and medals. (Open court. Chicago, 1900. 8°. V. 14, p. 284-300.) *DA
' Casali, Giovanni Battista. De insigni- bus, anulis, fibulis, &c. syntagma. (In: Jacobus Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsecarum antiquitatum. Venetiis, 1735. f°. v. 9, col. 893-920.) ft BVEF
Caulfield, Richard. Sigilla ecclesise Hi- bernicas illustrata. The episcopal and capitular seals of the Irish cathedral churches illustrated. Part 1. Cashel and Elmy. Cork: H. Ridings, 1853. iv, 5-48 p., 8 pi. 8°. CSD p.v.7, no.ll
Chabeuf, Henri. Trois sceaux cister- ciens. 1 pi. illus. (Societe bourgoig- nonne de geographic et d'histoire. Me- moires. Dijon, 1890. 8°. tome 6, p. 1-10, 367-368.) DQA
Chassant, Alphonse Antoine-Louis, and P. J. Delbarre. Dictionnaire de sigillo- graphie pratique, contenant toutes les no- tions propres a faciliter I'etude et I'inter- pretation des sceaux du moyen age. Paris: J. B. Dumoulin, 1860. 2 p.l., viii, 264 p., 16 pi. 16°. MIX
Chestret de Haneffe, Jules de, baron. Monnaies inedites du xi. et du xii. siecles
decouvertes la plupart a Maestricht. 1 pi. (Revue beige de numismatique. Bruxelles, 1905. 8°. annee 61, p. 437-444.) MHA
Clarke, Hyde. The early history of the Mediterranean populations, etc., in their migrations and settlements. Illustrated from autonomous coins, gems, inscrip- tions, etc. London: Triibner & Co., 1882. viii, 9-80 p. 8°. QOL
Coin, The, book. See Homans, Isaac Smith, the younger.
Coins and medals: their place in history and art. By the authors of the British Museum official catalogues. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. With numerous illustrations. London: Elliott Stock, 1885. X, 286 p. 8°. (Antiquary's library.) MHC
London: Elliott Stock, 1892.
X, 286 p. 2. ed. 8°. MHC
Colloquial names of coins. (Numisma- tist. Monroe, Mich., 1900. 8°. v. 13 n 134-136.) MHA
Compte rendu par la direction de I'As- sociation aux medailles en I'honneur de Consalvi. n.p., n.d. nar. 4°.
tt MHE p.v.4, no.3
Cook, Theodore Andrea. The romance of coinage. 6 pi. (Monthly review. Lon- don, 1904. 8°. V. 16, no. 3, p. 101-120.)
Corrarius, Angelo. Numismata serea selectiora maximi moduli e Muses Pisano, olim Corrario. Venetiis: apud Jo: Bap- tistam Albritium [1726?]. 3 p.l., 93 pi. i".
Stuart 327
Covarruvias y Leyva, Diego de. Ve- tervm nvmismatvm collatio cvm his, qvae modo expendvntvr, pvblica et regia avthoritate percvsa. (In: Rene Budel, De monetis, et re nvmaria, libri dvo. Colo- niae Agrippinae, 1591. 4°. p. 578-661.)
Cuming, H. Syer. On seals of the Knights Templars. 1 pi. (British Ar- chaeological Association. Journal. Lon- don, 1882. 8°. V. 38, p. 122-126.) CA
Dechelette, Joseph. Inventaire general des monnaies antiques recueillies au Mont- Beuvray de 1867 a 1898. (Revue numis- matique. Paris, 1899. 8°. serie 4. v 3 p. 129-172.) MHA
[Decorations of honor. Thirty-nine, in leather case with glass cover.] Reserve
1. France. Legion of Honor.
2. Germany. Baden. Order of the Zahringen Lion.
3. Bar, with five orders, consisting of:
1. Germany. Baden.
2. Germany. Saxony. Order of Frederick Augustus.
3. Germany. Baden.
4. Germany. Hesse. Order of Ludwig II.
5. Russia. Order of Saint Vladimir.
4. Germany. Order of Lippe.
5. Germany. Prussia. The Iron Cross.
General Works, continued.
6. Germany. Prussia. The Iron Cross.
7. France. Legion of Honor. Napoleon I.
8. Portugal. Order of Christ.
9. Sweden. Order of the House of Vasa.
10. Germany. Saxony. Order of Henry.
11. Holland. Order of the Netherland Lion.
12. Germany. Order of Brunswick.
13. Russia. Order of the White Eagle.
14. Germany. Grand Cross of William.
15 Austria. Order of Francis Joseph. Chain of the Knight's Cross, vyith two decorations:
1. Order of Francis Joseph.
2. The Pope's Order of Saint Silvestre.
16. Bar, with six orders, consisting of:
1. France. Legion of Honor. Henry IV.
2. Germany. Prussia. Order of the Black Eagle.
3. Brazil. Order of the Southern Cross.
4. Germany. Baden. Order of Karl Fried- rich.
5. Sweden. Order of the Sword.
6. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus.
17. Germany. Prussia. Cross of the Knight of the Red Eagle.
18. Spain. Order of Charles III.
19. Germany. Prussia. Cross of the Crown for Knight. First class.
20. Bavaria.
21. Germany. Hanover.
22. Belgium. Order of Leopold.
23. Sweden. Order of the North Star.
24. Austria. Order of the Iron Crown.
25. Italy. Parma. Order of Constantine.
26. Germany. Baden.
27. Sweden. Order of the Sword.
28. Sweden. Order of the North Star.
29. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus.
30. Germany. Hanover. Order of Guelphs.
31. Bavaria. Order of Saint Michael.
32. Bavaria.
33. Brazil.
34. Russia. Order of Saint Stanislaus.
35. Brazil. Order of Roses.
36. Austria. Order of Leopold.
37. Russia. Order of Saint Anne.
38. Napoleon medal. St. Helena, May 5, 1821.
39. Napoleon medal. St. Helena, May 5, 1821.
De Kay, Charles. A brief word on medals. New York, 1910. 24 p. 8°.
MHE p.v. 5, no.15
Delbarre, P. J. See Chassant, Alphonse Antoine Louis, and P. J. Delbarre.
Demay, Germain. Le costume au moyen age d'apres les sceaux. Paris, 1880. 4°.
Des pierres gravees employees
dans les sceaux du moyen age. Paris, 1877. illus. 8°. MIX
Dompierre de Chaufepie, H. J. de, edi- tor. See MedaiUes et plaquettes modernes.
Donaldson, T. L. Architectura numis- matica; or, Architectural medals of classic antiquity... London: Day and Son, 1859. xxxi(i), 349 p., 53 pi. 4°. Stuart 11384
Dubois, P. Moneta: a study. Read be- fore the annual meeting of the American Numisinatic and Archteological Society, New York, March, 1884. [Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son,] 1884. 8 p. 4°.
ft MHE p.v. 4, no.4
Du Bois, William E. See Eckfeldt, Jacob R., and William E. Du Bois.
Dumersan, Theophile Marion. Notice sur la Bibliotheque royale, et particuliere-
ment sur le cabinet des medailles antiques et pierres gravees. Paris, 1836. 11. ed. 16°. MAVZ (VersaiUes)
Bound with: Musee de Versailles. Description par salles des tableaux. . .par M. L. C. ****. Paris 1839. 4. ed. 12°.
Eckfeldt, Jacob R., and William E. Du Bois. A manual of gold and silver coins of all nations, struck within the past cen- tury... Illustrated by numerous engrav- ings of coins. Philadelphia: published at the assav office of the mint, 1842. 3 p.l., iv, (1)6-240 p., 17 pi. 4°. fMHC
New varieties of gold and silver
coins, counterfeit coins, and bullion; with mint values. Philadelphia: published by the authors, 1850. 60 p., 3 pi. 12°. MHC
New York: George P. Put-
nam, 1851. 3 p.l., 72 p., 1 1., 5 pi. 2. ed. 8'
Eckhel, Joseph Hilarius von. Doctrina "^
numorum veterum, addenda et indices. LipsicT,